Alla inlägg den 21 augusti 2012

Av Tina Karlsson - 21 augusti 2012 14:35

The week's are passing by. It is soon autumn, but still very warm and sunshine nearly every day. The last day's we have had very warm weather, with about 25 degrees C in the evenings.

During week 32 we attended a clinic för Gunilla - went very well indeed. So nice! Went home with a smile on my lips. Nice feeling! Varied the work with long walks around Täljö. Also fetched new hay this week. Green, smelles good and Dinio enjoyed it very much.

During week 33 we took two clinics for Gunilla, one at home and one at Stava stable. At Stava we trained on the program for the competition. Went very well. Not perfect of course but very good for riding a program for the first time. Nice to ride in an indoor arena with the correct messure 20 x 60 m. We are, of course, going to practice on the program several times. Dinio and I got a bit tensed, very natural, when you have to ride from point to point and the movement shall be performed by the letters, not when it feels right to do them. One major thing remains and it is catching the canter from the walk. When tensed it may result in the spanish walk instead. Need to get through to him in those situations and above all - work on relaxation. 

Gunilla has lent me a Sprenger bridle, which works very well on Dinio. Very calm in his mouth when riding on this bridle.

Yesterday Dinio got a resting day, gave him some massage and a good brush. Looked him through veru thorougly. He just loves it.

Yesterday evening I thought a lot of wether to start or not and decided today to wait a bit longer with the competitions. We need to spend more time on relaxation and the respons of my signals. 

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